Top Chef Party Tonight

My friend Jeff’s 33rd birthday is tonight.  He’s hosting a top chef party.  There are going to be 8 chefs preparing food for judging, plus an ingredient tasting competition, and a quick fire challenge.  I’m filming it for my blog.  Let’s hope I don’t pull another boner!

I’m serving:  European Farmer’s Brunch.  Sopresatta and Basil Quiche with roasted Asparagus and fresh Croissant.  Here’s some pics!

Episode 4 – Folk Trio Time!!

Jon Norman and John-Flor (Foxfur) stop by PIEFOLK!  The guys help me with a rough draft of a song I am working on.

What do you guys think?  Keeper?

Jon Norman is a musician and an accomplished young actor.  He is currently singing with the band Thin Skin Jonny.  He is also working on an adaptation of Mother Courage which opens soon at the Connelly Theater.

John-Flor is a Brooklyn folk superstar.  Yes, ladies – he’s single.  He plays with the band Foxfur.  If you drink coffee, he will crush you.

Me, I’m just a guy who likes pie and folk.

Join the revolution!